Friday, August 17, 2007

Chloe Comic - Lulu screwed up.

Well....that didn't last long.
For some reason, the Chloe comic has vanished from Lulu. I'll look into why.
This is why I've not put section up on Curios for this comic: I needed to test out the method of distribution.
Always assume the internet-based services you're using are inept until they prove otherwise.


Toshiro said...

The horror!

The Epyon Avenger said...

Glad I snagged it early then.

Fang Langford said...

I snagged it too. The storytelling is pretty good, but I was still a little disappointed.

After all the sketches, I expected Chloe in all her bodice-breaking vain.

I'm hoping in the future, we can get back to the Chloe I remember!

Alex Thompson said...

I bought it, then lulu vanished my newly created account.

"never existed" they say. Blamed a server error.

I wonder if they remembered that they've charged me for it? Bet they have...

Brett Muller said...

Really glad I snagged it early then! I enjoyed it verily.

Linoth said...

Not the first time I've heard tale of something vanishing completely from

Alex Thompson said...

Just got my bank statement.

Bastards charged me for it!