Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July Art Dump

Not posted on my blog for aaaaaaaages.
Here's some sketches.
Too much mayo.

Hilary plays.


I think she’s getting pervier.

Lil’ Farm Girl.

Pies and surreal Anime in the company of a fellow B3tan.

Fear the fibre-chomping zombie!

Another pic of tiny Scarlet.

B3ta terminology: “Squits” – A squirrel with tits.

Chloe might like getting hot ‘n sweaty, but humidity isn’t her thing.

God bless thin, white, cotton shirts and the unpredictable British weather.

Another random country girl. I seem to have a thing for drawing busty farm-hands at the moment…..

Drawn during a meeting. Can’t remember what was said to inspire the strapping of a rocket to a kitten…..

A film that contained legs that could only JUST be considered sexy.

And, when humour flags; turn to the use of naughty words.